Deck Buliding
Do you watch Yu-Gi-Oh on TV? They play the virtually with virtual arenas and duel disks. Below is Seto with the latest Yu-Gi-Oh dueling equipment on his left arm.
How To Make a Winning Deck
Don't just put cards together to make a deck. Also, don't do what Joey Wheeler did on his way to Duelist Kingdom. Make a deck with MAGIC, TRAP, and MONSTER cards. If you make a deck with only monster cards, there'll be no way to power up your monsters. Put some low level cards in your deck, because 6 stars and above need to scacrafice cards to equal the level stars. There are now three different types of monster cards, ritual, effect, and regular ones.
Effect monters have effects that can help you. One card I like it Princess of Tsurugi. You can inflict 500 points of direct damage for every trap or magic card your opponent has. If your opponent has a full line of magic and trap cards (5), you can take 2500 of direct damage. They are ORANGE.
Ritual cards need a ritual magic card to summond it. You also have to scarafice monsters to equal the ammount of stars for the level. They are BLUE.
Monster cards are just regular cards, they are YELLOW.
Trap cards can destroy monsters and destroy other trap cards. They are PURPLE/VIOLET.
Magic cards can power up monsters and destroy other magic cards. Magic cards can also add life points for you. They are GREEN.
Cards have a 3 letter and 2 number combination underneath it's picture. These are what some of them mean.
SDY: Starter Deck Yugi
SDK: Starter Deck Kaiba
MRD: Metal Raiders
MRL: Magic Ruler
LOB: Ledgeng of Blue Eyes
PSV: Pharoh Servant
DDS: Dark Duel Stories (exclusive gameboy game cards)
BPT: Booster Pack Tin (or booster box)
There is also a number combonation right beside the illustrator. This number combination is used for the Forbidden Memories Yu-Gi-Oh Playstation game. You can type the number of the monster you want and you can buy that card to use on the game for the starchips you win.
Remember you can't attack on your first turn!!!
Question of the Week:
If you live in the USA and you know that McDonalds is giving out two Yu-Gi-Oh cards, what does MP1 mean? (not even I know HELP!) Some people I know think its McDonalds Pack 1 (give me a break!).
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