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Tea Gardner
Age:15 Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Favorite Card: Magician of Faith
Best Card: Shining Friendship eqipped with Bow and Arrow and powered by Elf's light.
She has been Yugi's friend ever since she was saved by his Yami Yugi ego. It all started out that she saw Yugi at the resturant she worked at. She was scared that Yugi and Joey might tattle on her for faking her age. She told them she needed the money to pay for dance lessons and so the next day she got a fake note that stated it was from Yugi, and then she got to the location and she was tricked by a man. After she got there the man asked for all the money she has and then Yugi came to her rescue.
Ryou Bakura
Name: Ryou Bakura (on the show, just Bakura)
Age: 15
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: White
Favorite Card: Change of Heart (Magic Card)
Best Card: unknown
Bakura posses the Millenium Ring, which can sense other Millenium items. He is sometimes a mysterious kid and sometimes he turns to his Yami Bakura bad side. She follows the gang with Yugi and goes to Domino Junior High also.
Bakura also tried to steal Yugi's Millenium item from him when they were in the shadow realm.
Ishtar Malik
Sorry I have no information on Ishtar and I am also not sure if that's his English name. If you have any information, please conatct me.